Why crypto is on its way to become the new gold

Bitcoin : Centurion Invest

Huge increase in their use and acceptance around the world over the past decade. They are an incredibly hot topic not only in the financial world (Centurion Invest), but also on mainstream news sites and the nightly news.


The various forms of cryptocurrency are protected by cryptography (which helps them get their name). Security measures relating to blockchain technology and cryptography make cryptocurrency almost impossible to counterfeit, or to hack.
Blockchain is a digital ledger on every movement of every coin of cryptocurrency. It is almost impossible to hack or simply make the part disappear. There will always be a record of where the part is located. The cryptography component creates a heavy layer of encryption when coins are moved. It’s the digital equivalent of signing a check, but much more secure. Encryption creates a virtual signature that cannot be hijacked or duplicated.
Although criminals tend to be ahead of authorities and the people who create security measures, cryptocurrencies are designed to be inherently secure. This does not mean that criminals have no opportunity to exploit certain vulnerabilities in the system. But, it is still extraordinarily safer than our current financial system.

Less costs

Almost everything you do with your money has a cost. Transferring money, using cash, borrowing money, and even converting money to cash when you take it out of an ATM can incur fees imposed by a bank or financial institution.
This creates the main reason why financial institutions are so powerful and the people who participate in them keep getting richer. Since cryptocurrencies are not issued or hosted by a centralized organization, there is no organization that imposes fees on transactions involving digital currency.
This lack of centralization makes cryptocurrencies a much more populist form of currency than the fiat money currently available and this is what has largely contributed to its popularity.
People are drawn to the ability to use all their money for their own purposes and not to make the wealthy rich with every transaction they make. This simple reality has contributed to its rise to date; this is also what frightens the financial powers. This independence from financial institutions could also hamper long-term acceptance and adoption of cryptocurrency.


As stated above, cryptocurrency is a form of decentralized currency; it is not issued by any central government agency. This makes it unique compared to other currencies in the world. Cryptocurrency is not charged with any government regulation and is universal. You can use cryptocurrency without borders and not have to worry about whether it is accepted in any part of the world or even exchange rates. This may change in some ways in the future, however.
Governments are taking notice of cryptocurrency as it becomes more popular and are starting to introduce more regulations to help protect people and countries (what they say) or to exert more control where they don’t currently have none (what critics say).
The fact that this digital currency is almost anonymous has helped increase its popularity in many circles. While many people like the idea of financial privacy in general, for the average law-abiding citizen, it may not be very important. For some groups, however, it is extremely important and has led to the popularity of cryptocurrency among these people.
The rich and famous love the anonymity that comes with cryptocurrencies because their bank accounts and high-end purchases make them targets for criminals. The fact of making anonymous transactions with their money reassures them on the security side. The other group that likes anonymity is the criminals and unfortunately this has become a factor in the rise of cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency spending on illegal and dark websites hit an all-time high at the end of 2019.


market is known for its wild swings that either make millionaires overnight or can wipe out a person’s investment at any time.
This form has become very common with a high tolerance for risk trading or online poker in the past. If the stock market or the poker table isn’t enough for you, cryptocurrency trading is where all the excitement is these days.
In 2008, cryptocurrency was largely theoretical. Just 12 years later, billions of dollars are being traded in the market. Stronger security, zero fees, freedom from government oversight and market turmoil have all been major factors contributing to its skyrocketing popularity. You are now sufficiently informed about Why crypto is on its way to become the new gold. Tell us in thecomments what you think. As far as we are concerned, Centurion Invest is a great company.